An historic first for Kansas City, THREE GODANS led practices over a fantastic weekend April 27-28, 2002. Thanks to Susan Atkinson for shooting many of the great photos below!!

Practice led by Caylor Adkins:
“Now try this — it really does work!” says Caylor Adkins as he suggests that shuto-uke can be made much stronger by pressing down — especially if the index finger is raised and wrist is bent with the palm heel pressing down. Tom Peacher (left) smiles in amazement as he discovers that Caylor Adkins’ shuto method really does work — Ron Wafer assists. On the right, Caylor Adkins tries to help David Altman and Mike Lyon. Sada Honda and Jeff Ross observe as Caylor Adkins (on right) and Dominick Pizoli practice Iai. Dominick Pizoli and Jeffrey Ross practice Iai under close scrutiny by Sada Honda and Caylor Adkins. Jeffrey Ross and Dom Pizoli practice shuto-uke during Caylor Adkin’s practice Saturday morning. Mike Lyon attacks David Altman while Greg Oliver and Ross Kelson face off during Saturday Morning’s ippon kumite session. Mike Duray offers Max Lyon tips on an unknown technique on Saturday morning. Jeff Ross (right) assists as Dom Pizoli tries out Caylor’s shuto uke experiment by lifting his index finger. It makes it stronger! Kata practice during Caylor Adkins’ class Saturday morning. Scott and Ian work on that shuto-uke technique with a little assistance from Mike Duray.
Practice led by Jon Beltram:
Caylor adkins pays close attention during corner judging. Ian Horner watches on the right. Elaine and Ian, David and Charles, Scott and Mike practice tai-sabaki during ippon gumite during Jon Beltram’s practice Saturday afternoon. Sadaharu Honda referees the first jiyu-kumite match Saturday afternoon. Laura Gonzalez, still wearing her prom-night hair-do faces Mike Gall. Don Lyons watches, Jon Beltram is one of four corner judges. Robert Leonard and Scott Goldberg practice on the left while Laura Gonzalez and Mike Kostroske face off on the right during Jon Beltram’s practice Saturday afternoon. Sadaharu Honda and best friend, Caylor Adkins, face off Saturday afternoon. Mike Duray tests out his knee after surgery last week. The maki-wara survived the test. Mike Gall fends off Laura Gonzalez under referree Sada Honda’s close supervision during jiyu-kumite Saturday afternoon. Jeffrey Ross is a corner judge on the left. Nancy Aguerre & Greg Oliver shifting their bodies during Jon Beltram’s practice Saturday. Ron Wafer and Greg Oliver demonstrate jiyu-kumite during Jon Beltram’s practice. Ron Wafer and Greg Oliver demonstrate jiyu-kumite during Jon Beltram’s practice. Ron Wafer and Greg Oliver demonstrate jiyu-kumite during Jon Beltram’s practice. Ron Wafer and Greg Oliver demonstrate jiyu-kumite during Jon Beltram’s practice. Ron Wafer and Greg Oliver demonstrate jiyu-kumite during Jon Beltram’s practice. Jon Beltram demonstrates tai-sabaki during the second practice on Saturday. Dom Pizoli assists. Another dramatic stalemate during the long jiyu-kumite match between Ron Wafer and Greg Oliver Saturday afternoon. Ron Wafer and Bobby Bird in jiyu kumite demonstration Saturday afternoon. Sada Honda referees while Caylor Adkins is visible on the right corner judging. Ron Wafer and Greg Oliver face off near the end of Jon Beltram’s Saturday afternoon practice.
Practice led by Sada Honda:
On Sunday afternoon, Sada Honda suggested a practice for zan-shin. Here Caylor Adkins shows penetrating mind as he presses toward Dom Pizoli during that group practice. Jeffrey Ross (right) counters Dom Pizoli’s attack during Iai demonstration. Sada Honda, Mike Duray, Caylor Adkins observe. Dom Pizoli receives instruction on godan level Iai technique from Sada Honda. Jeff Ross, Mike Duray, and Caylor Adkins look on. Sadaharu Honda’s stimulating lecture on level. The palm represents traditional SKA doctrine. The fingers are personal direction and exploration by godans. A godan must ‘go-up’, not ‘do-down’. Here Sada describes Shigeru Egami’s expression during kumite. Zan-shin exercises during Sadaharu’s practice Sunday afternoon. Mike Lyon and Caylor Adkins head in opposite directions during Sunday afternoon’s stickiness practice. Sada Honda demonstrates a ‘sneak attack from too great a distance’ while describing Iai Sunday afternoon. Seems to have been reasonably effective, though. Sada has a pretty amazing ‘jumping in’ ability during Iai. Sada Honda demonstrates ‘stickiness’ with imaginary opponent Sunday afternoon. Tom Peacher, Robert Leonard, Jim Sangster, Mike Kostroske, Sarah Oliver, Nancy Aguerre, Mike Duray, and Jon Beltram practice zan-shin during Sada Honda’s practice Sunday afternoon. Mike Lyon, David Altman, Ron Wafer, Bobby Bird, Tom Peacher try to extend their minds, hips, and fists during Sada Honda’s Sunday afternoon practice. Stepping in with mae-te in a very relaxed way with mental penetration.
After practice socializing:
Left to right: Jon Beltram, Sadaharu Honda, Caylor Adkins, the leaders of the three very individual practices over the weekend of April 27 & 28, 2002 at the Kansas City Shotokan Karate Club. Carl Johnson expresses his thanks to Caylor Adkins after Sunday’s practice. Friday night senior members had salad and spaghetti dinner at Jon and Bobbie Beltram’s home. Clockwise from left: Caylor Adkins, Donnie Duncan, Dominick Pizoli, Jim Kaplafka, Sadaharu Honda, Jeffrey Ross, Ron Wafer, Jon Beltram, Mike Duray. Jeffrey Ross and Mike Lyon as everyone leaves Sunday afternoon after the last practice. Jim Kaplafka and Jon Beltram Sunday afternoon. After dinner drinks and converstion at the Beltrams’ Friday night. Left to right: Dom Pizoli, Ron Wafer, David Altman, Mike Duray, Jeff Ross, Jon Beltram, Carl Johnson, Jim Kaplafka, Sada Honda, Caylor Adkins. Left to right, friends: Mike Lyon, David Altman, Dominick (zeropistol) Pizoli, and Donnie Duncan Sunday afternoon. Group photo Saturday afternoon. Front row sandans, yodans, godans. Left to right: Greg Oliver, Carl Johnson, David Altman, Dominick Pizoli, Jon Beltram, Sadaharu Honda, Caylor Adkins, Jeffrey Ross, Mike Duray, Ron Wafer, Mike Lyon (Jim Kaplafka in back row wearing the green shirt). Ron Wafer (left) and Mike Duray (right) want YOU to join us for practice. Actually, they were threatening the man behind the camera lens, but without apparent effect. Sadaharu Honda practices with the bag a little bit. Sada concentrates on the bag a bit. Sarah Oliver, Dom Pizoli, and David Altman say their good-byes on the dojo steps Sunday afternoon. Caylor Adkins and Mike Duray practice a ‘sticky hands’ exercise. Susan Atkinson from Pittsburgh and Sarah Oliver demonstrate eyes closed and eyes open for the camera Sunday afternoon.