Canada Shotokan Karate celebrated its 50th Anniversary in Vancouver, BC August 12-14, 2022. There were nearly 200 registered participants. The weekend began with a Friday evening cruise around Vancouver. Drinks and appetizers and the meeting of so many old friends and new. Shotokan Ohshima members from around the world, Japan, Israel, France, Germany, Switzerland, the USA, and of course, Canada came together onboard to open the celebration of 50 years of practice there.
Photos by Jimmy Jeong
Registration and Cruise
Saturday morning tournament
Saturday morning we all assembled at the University of British Columbia (UBC) War Memorial Gymnasium for the tournament. Before the tournament, between each round of competition, and at the end there was a demonstration by each country.
Saturday afternoon practice
Saturday afternoon’s practice was led first by Israel shihan Eli Cohen, then by USA shihan John Teramoto.
Saturday evening pizza at our AirBnb
David and Laura Altman, Carl Johnson, and Linda and Mike Lyon stayed together at a very comfortable AirBnb close to public transportation in the West Point Grey residential neighborhood not far from UBC and the War Memorial Gymnasium. Saturday evening, members from the KC and UNL dojos, together with a few others got together for Pizza, wine, cheese, beer, and conversation. Very fun and relaxing, the five of us plus Mack Kusumoto, David Affeld, Kathy and Mike Kostroske, Brad Markisohn, Brad Kindler, and Takamasa Morita.

Godan examination.
16 candidates from Canada, France, Israel, Switzerland, and the USA were tested for godan, the highest rank attainable in our organization. Along with ten others, Mike Lyon passed the examination and was promoted to godan.
Practice after the godan examination
After lunch, Norman Welch led a practice that emphasized continuous feeling.